Order DateEstimated DeliveryPrice Paid (exc VAT)
CLOSED - 7th January 202410-19 January 202459.9 ppl + VAT
CLOSED - 11th February 202414th - 23rd February 202465.40 ppl + VAT
CLOSED - 17th March 2024TBCTBC ppl + VAT
28th April 2024TBCTBC ppl + VAT
9th June 2024TBCTBC ppl + VAT
4th August 2024TBC TBC ppl + VAT
15th September 2024TBCTBC ppl + VAT
The Cut-off for orders is 17:00 (usually on a Sunday. Sorry no late orders accepted.
Weather conditions may effect the delivery schedule.
Note it is historically cheaper to fill your tank in the summer than in the winter months when demand is higher.